Survey Questions Survey Questions Where did you purchase your Blue Lake Hops? Online from Blue Lake Hops Sicilianos Market Hoportunist Hot Spot Go 2 Homebrew Supply Brewers Edge Homebrew Supply Other What date did you use your Blue Lake Hops? MM slash DD slash YYYY Did you use The Blue Lake Process® hops alone or did you add other hop varieties to the beer you made? Alone With other hops Which of The Blue Lake Process® hops did you brew with? AlphAroma/Raku Cascade Crystal Indiana Chinook Michigan Chinook Michigan Copper™ Mackinac™ Sorachi Ace Hop Characteristics, Beer Styles, and Future varietiesHow would you rate the aroma of The Blue Lake Process® during the boil?Not at all AromaticAverage AromaVery AromaticIn comparison to traditional pelletized hops how would you rate the aroma of the hops that have undergone The Blue Lake Process®.Less Aromatic Than Pelletized HopsSimilar Aroma to Pelletized HopsMore Aromatic Than Pelletized HopsOverall, how would you rate the aroma of The Blue Lake Process® hops?Not at all BitterAverage BitterVery BitterIn comparison to traditional pelletized hops how would you rate the bitterness of the hops that have undergone The Blue Lake Process®.Less Bitter than Pelletized HopsSimilar Bitterness to Pelletized HopsMore Bitter than Pelletized HopsOverall, how would you rate the bitterness of The Blue Lake Process® hops?Not at all BitterAverage BitterVery BitterBased on the aromatic and bittering characteristics of the that have undergone The Blue Lake Process ®, would you purchase fresh Blue Lake Hops Again?Not LikelyLikelyVery LikelyWe would like to compare The Blue Lake Process® hops with the flavor profile of traditional pelletized hops. Different varieties of hops impart different flavor characteristics in a finished beer. Below is a list of typical flavors common to different hop varieties. Please rate the flavor characteristics below on a scale of 1 to 5. 1 being the flavor is not present in the finished beer at all and 5 being that the flavor characteristic is very present in the finished beer. Flavor characterisitcs:Flavor not distinguishable in the final beerFlavor very distinguishable in the final beerCitrusTropicalStone FruitApple/PearMelonBerryFloralSpicy/HerbalPineResinousGrassyEarthyOnion/GarlicDankWhat type/style of beer did you brew with The Blue Lake Process® hops? (Type/Style) Have you ever brewed a Harvest Ale? Yes No If No, have you ever sampled a Harvest Ale from a brewery or another homebrewer? Yes No Based on the beer you brewed with The Blue Lake Process® hops, do you think it is comparable to a typical Harvest Ale? Yes No I have never tried a Harvest Ale If Yes, On a scale of 1 to 5 how similar is the beer you brewed with The Blue Lake Process® hops to other Harvest Ales you have tried or brewed in the past?Not at all SimilarVery SimilarIf the beer you brewed with The Blue Lake Process® hops was different than Harvest Ales you have tried or brewed in the past. Please explain why or how it was different below.The goal of the Blue Lakes Hops product is to allow brewers the ability to brew a Harvest Ale year-round. As a homebrewer would you brew Harvest Ales throughout the year if Blue Lake Hops were available year-round? Yes No On a scale of 1 to 5, If The Blue Lake Process® hops were available year-round, how likely would you be to use Blue Lake Hops regularly in your beers?Not LikelyLikelyVery LikelyIn the future, what varieties of hops would you like to see undergo The Blue Lake Process®?If you have any other comments or observations about the aroma, bittering, or other characteristics of The Blue Lake Process® hops Please explain:If you have any other comments or ideas on packaging and quantity please explain:Can we share your first name and comments on our website or other promotional materials? Yes No Please provide your name as you would like it to appear Δ